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Distinguished Professor of Humanics:
Distinguished Springfield Professor of Humanics

History of DPH

In 1962, Dr. Glenn Olds, President of Springfield College, began to wonder why the name Humanics was given to the intended philosophy of the college by Dr. Laurence Locke Doggett in the early days of the institution. Olds acknowledged that the practices of the faculty were in large part consistent with the Humanics philosophy, but he believed that a more self-conscious application would improve chances of its continuity and survival. In 1965 Springfield College Trustees voted to establish the position of Distinguished Springfield Professor of Humanics.

Dr. Seth Arsenian served as the first Distinguished Springfield Professor of Humanics from 1966-1969. The purpose of this position was to catalyze a renewal of consciousness in the philosophy. This was done by annually mandating the Distinguished Professor of Humanics to give a Humanics lecture on the definition of Humanics and what the concept meant to them. Arsenian gave the first speech in 1967 entitled, "The Meaning of Humanics," in which he described the concept as a set of ideas, values, and goals that make our college distinct from other colleges and make commitment and unity toward commonly sought goals possible.

While originally the position was called Distinguished Springfield Professor of Humanics, it has become known as the Distinguished Professor of Humanics (DPH). Originally given to faculty members nearing retirement (and sometimes held for more than one year), a more recent practice has been to open to all full-time faculty at Springfield College through a nominating process that includes former DPH. Currently, the DPH serves for one year and is expected to give a lecture in April. Links to these lectures are included below.

Current nomination criteria include:

  • Current member of the full-time faculty of Springfield College;
  • Serves as faculty role model by demonstrating excellence in their teaching, professional/scholarly/creative work, and in their service activities on campus and in the community.
  • Demonstrates, through their life and work, the principles of the College's Humanics philosophy and mission to educate students in spirit, mind, and body for leadership in service to humanity.
  • Has the potential to provide leadership for a Humanics program or project that will serve the best interests of Springfield College and its faculty, staff, and students.
  • What is particularly helpful to our selection committee is to have letters of nomination that offer examples of the nominee's service work on campus and in the community.

Distinguished Professors of Humanics (DPH)

Date Honoree Project Title
2024-2025 Pamela S. Higgins Ageless Humanics: Empowering Health and Human Potential Across Generations
2023-2024 Miguel Arce Reach Out With Whatever You Have
2022-2023 Kathleen Mangano Title IX at 50: Educate & Advocate
2021-2022 Keith Bugbee Show Up
2020-2021 Mary Ann Coughlin Humanics: Two Pandemics - We Rise!
2019-2020 Judy L. Van Raalte Humanics: Give it a "Tri"
2018-2019 Anthony C. Hill A focus on healthy masculinity - working with high school students and college students with an emphasis on promoting healthy masculinity.
2017-2018 Sue Guyer Exercise is Medicine: A year-long vision to foster collaborative relationships and leadership on campus between exercise, health and other disciplines.
2016-2017 Samuel Headley Assessment of Sedentary Behavior at Springfield College - Year-one of a Multi-year Study
2015-2016 Regina Kaufman Humanics as Pedagogy: Academic-community Engagement as the Pathway to Leadership in Service
2014-2015 Martin Dobrow Bending the Arc
2013-2014 Carol Mitchell Experiencing Humanics through Film
2012-2013 Charles B. Redington The Man Who Plants Trees
2011-2012 Naomi Graves They Call Me "Coach:" The Role of the Teacher-Coach in the Stewardship of Humanics
2010-2011 Robert Barkman A Celebration of Teaching
2009-2010 Robert Accorsi Humanics, Hope, and Grit: Powerful Catalysts for the Paralympic Movement (transcript)
Humanics, Hope, and Grit: Powerful Catalysts for the Paralympic Movement (video)
2008-2009 Albert Petitpas "What would happen if...?"
2007-2008 Mimi Murray Our Great Adventure in Education: The Whole Story
2006-2007 Richard Davila The Multiculural, Multiethnic, and International Aspects of the Humanics Philosophy
2005-2006 Ronald Maggio The arts...In Service to Humanity
2004-2005 Charles Redmond Exploring Spirit at Springfield College
2003-2004 Dottie Zenaty A Journey That Touches The SC Family
2002-2003 Bernard Graney Annual Humanics Lecture
2001-2002 Frank Torre Humanics and the Environment
2000-2001 Delight E. Champagne 2001: The Odyssey of a College on a Humanics Mission
1999-2000 Barbara Jensen Humanics in the Year 2000
1998-1999 Peter Polito Principles of Humanics
1997-1998 Joel Dearing Our Foundation is on Top
1996-1997 Margaret Lloyd The Extraordinary Life: Justice, Play and Creative Tension
1995-1996 Elizabeth Evans Humanics: Zero Balancing with Donkeys and Dragons
1994-1995 Martin Dosick Humanics: Humane Dynamics with a Future
1993-1994 James Genasci A Multimedia Presentation
1992-1993 John Cox Values Revisited
1991-1992 Janice Eldridge Toward an Authentic Community
1990-1991 Joel Cohen Humanics: Creed Versus Deed
1989-1990 Diane L. Potter Operationalizing Our Humanics Philosophy: The Keystone a Diverse and Pluralistic Society
1988-1989 James B. Robertson "Connections"
1987-1988 Paul U. Congdon What It Really Is
1985-1987 Herbert Zettl Humanics: Education with a Moral Dimension
1984-1985 Jean Ross A Century of Humanics and Humanism at Springfield College
1984 Jesse Parks Lecture given by others.
1983 Edward T. Dunn Humanics: a Message of Hope
1982 Edward J. Sims The Meaning of Humanics
1981 Henry Paar The Power of the Person
1980 Josephine Cecco The Humanics Philosophy: A Legacy
1979 Walter H. English Humanics and the Human Dilemma
1977-1978 Charles Silvia Humanics and Athletics and Other Concerns
1976 Holmes N. VanderBeck Humanics is Like...
1973-1975 Charles F. Weckwerth A Report on a Pilot Study of the Image of Humanics at Springfield College
1972 Herman H. Giles Humanics At Work Among Friends and Enemies
1971 Herman H. Giles Human Nature and Human Affairs
1969 Seth Arsenian Humanics and Higher Education: A Psychological Interpretation
1967 Seth Arsenian The Meaning of Humanics