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Distinguished Professor of Humanics:
Margaret Lloyd 1996-1997

Margaret Lloyd 1996-1997

Title of Humanics Lecture
The Extraordinary Life: Justice, Play, and Creative Tension

Earned Degrees
Ph.D., University of Leeds, England (1975)
Bachelor of Arts, University of Rochester (1967)

Final Title at Springfield College
Professor Emeritus of English

Short statement that describes what it means to be a Distinguished Professor of Humanics:
Choosing a Distinguished Professor of Humanics each year keeps Humanics alive.  Not many institutions continue annually to examine and expand their visions in order to maintain energy and relevance.  Particularly crucial to the Humanics philosophy is the education of the whole person (spirit, mind, and body); equally important is constant attention to the building of socially just communities on campus and in the world at large. The principles of Humanics should be reflected in each facet of life on campus—from the simple greeting of each other, to the daily education of students, to the most wide-ranging attention to issues of social justice.  In short, Humanics necessitates striving to reach our full potential as individual human beings in the service of a better and more just world. It was a great privilege to be given a year to investigate, meditate on, and further actualize the Humanics orientation of Springfield College. 

Short statement that describes how you continued to live the Humanics mission after your year as Distinguished Professor of Humanics:
It is a constant challenge (as well a joy) to try to live up to one’s own potential and to keep life-long learning in the center of one’s life.  It is also challenging to figure how one can best contribute to the betterment of one’s community and the world at large.  While I was still teaching before I retired, I did my best to hold up to students their vast potential, to encourage their leadership, and to encourage in them a sensitivity to the welfare of others through education around issues of social justice.  In my retirement, I enjoy the leisure of time to focus more on my own physical and spiritual well-being. I push myself towards greater creativity, continue to expand my knowledge base and my alertness to the world, and work hands-on in volunteer activities in my community.