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Distinguished Professor of Humanics:
James B. Robertson 1988-1989

James B. Robertson 1988-1989

Title of Humanics Lecture

Earned Degrees
Certificate of Advanced Study, Springfield College (1973)
Master of Science, Springfield College (1968)
Bachelor of Science, Springfield College, (1966)

Final Title at Springfield College
Executive Assistant to the President/Associate Professor

Short statement that describes what it means to be a Distinguished Professor of Humanics:

The summer following my Humanics lecture I received the following letter from President Falcone: "I have just finished going through some material that I saved for the summer. Among the reports, articles and papers I had kept was the text of your Humanics Lecture. I read it again
after several months' hiatus, and wanted to let you know that I enjoyed it very much. You have not only personalize the Humanics philosophy, but you have described it for future generations in a way that will have great meaning. Thanks again for a job well done "

Short statement that describes how you continued to live the Humanics mission after your year as Distinguished Professor of Humanics:

This list illustrates some of the ways I have put the Humanics mission into practice upon my retirement from the College:
---Service as a Stephen Minister in the United Methodist Church, Haddonfield NJ
---Volunteer at the Service Center Food Bank, Falmouth MA
---Volunteer gardener at Highfield Hall & Gardens, Falmouth MA