Title of Humanics Lecture
Our Great Adventure in Education: The Whole Story
Earned Degrees
B.S., Springfield College, 1961
M.S., Springfield College, 1967
Ph.D., University of Connecticut, 1976
Final Title at Springfield College
Professor of Exercise Science and Sport Studies
Short statement that describes what it means to be a Distinguished Professor of Humanics:
Being a Humanics professor is a community acknowledgment of an individual's commitment to Springfield College through service and dedication to the Humanics philosophy . . . a "lived" philosophy. It is an honor and capstone of one's life and career. At Springfield College most are aware of Gulick's symbol of Humanics. . . . an equilateral triangle: two sides of body and mind leading up to and supporting the third side or top, spirit. Often omitted though is a circle encapsulating the triangle. The circle symbolizes the "WHOLE" person . . . a unity of mind, body, and spirit, a complete person.
Short statement that describes how you continued to live the Humanics mission after your year as Distinguished Professor of Humanics:
Aspiring to the lived Humanics is a challenge, not always achieved, but I have become ever more dedicated to doing so. Through living the Humanics philosophy, the well-lived life is possible. Included in this endeavor is finding joy in self and others, being kind, inclusive, behaving fairly and with honesty while actively participating in the world community. Humanics requires ACTION while "Follow(ing) truth to wisdom" (SC alma mater).