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Distinguished Professor of Humanics:
Charles Redmond 2004-2005

Charles J. Redmond 2004-2005

Title of Humanics Lecture
Exploring Spirit at Springfield College

Earned Degrees
Master of Science in Physical Therapy, Boston University (1981)
Master of Education in Physical Education, Springfield College (1971)
Bachelor of Science in Health and Physical Education, Springfield College (1968)

Final Title at Springfield College
Dean School of HPER, Associate Professor Exercise Science and Sport Studies

Short statement that describes what it means to be a Distinguished Professor of Humanics:
Being recognized as a Springfield College Distinguished Professor of Humanics (DPOH) was certainly a milestone in my professional career. The responsibility and opportunity to add to the work of previous Distinguished Professors of Humanics, in exploring the Humanics Philosophy and Mission of Springfield College, was and remains humbling yet exciting. The experience further reinforced, in my view, that our Philosophy and Mission makes Springfield College the special place it is.

Short statement that describes how you continued to live the Humanics mission after your year as Distinguished Professor of Humanics:
Since my year as DPOH I have felt a continued and sincere responsibility to the College's Mission and have hopefully demonstrated by example my support of the Triangle particularly the "Spirit" side. This has involved being active in college activities and reflecting on and speaking out in support of the Humanics Philosophy. Sharing views on what the Humanics Philosophy is with students, newer faculty and others has been important as the college and times change.