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Distinguished Professor of Humanics:
Peter Polito 1998-1999

Peter Polito 1998-1999

Title of Humanics Lecture
Principles of Humanics

Earned Degrees
Ph.D. in Physics, Northeastern University (1971)
Master of Science in Physics, Northeastern University (1967)
Bachelor of Arts in Physics, Northeastern University (1965)

Final Title at Springfield College
Professor Emeritus of Computer Science and Physics

Short statement that describes what it means to be a Distinguished Professor of Humanics:
Being recognized as a Distinguished Professor of Humanics is both a personal honor to follow the mission of Springfield College and to also present an everlasting responsibility to live out the "principles of Humanics" well beyond the one year of tenure as a Springfield Distinguished Professor of Humanics. In my case, I tried to express in my lecture "Principles of Humanics" what Humanics means to me. These are listed and described in the lecture. There is a CD/DVD, "Friends In Humanics of Springfield College" by myself that reviews my year 1998-1999 and also includes my lecture "Principles of Humanics". This CD/DVD was funded by the College and should be in Babson Library or archives. It was supposed to have been put on the College website. MARCOM has had the CD/DVD since 1999 and said that they would put it on the website, but it never did happen. Included in the CD/DCD are pictures of the first "Humanics In Action Day'' , the "Community Winter Carnival", and the "Spring Festival". Additionally there is a song track "Building Our World- A Song for Humanics" and also my reading of my lecture, "Principles of Humanics".

Short statement that describes how you continued to live the Humanics mission after your year as Distinguished Professor of Humanics:
I try to portray what I recognize what I call the "Principles of Humanics": (1) Respect for One's Self and Others, (2) Responsibility to take Charge of One's Life, (3) Reverence for Life, (4) Service to Humanity, (5) Community and Unity In Diversity, (6) The Education of the Freed Mind, and (7) Altruistic Professionalism. I continue to teach part-time because I love being to work together with young and aspiring students to achieve their goals and dreams to succeed in life. I also actively support the "Friends In Humanics Scholarship" by working on fundraisers for the scholarship, making donations to the scholarship and also to the Peter and Claire Polito "Friends In Humanics Scholarship Endowment". Since its inception during my tenure as Distinguished Professor of Humanics, I actively support and present yearly the "Friends In Humanics Scholar Award" to local grammar students at Deberry School and Brookings School. I also volunteer at the soup kitchen in Springfield on a regular basis. I try to support the mission of Springfield College in ways to contribute and work regularly with the Development Office and also with the Student Volunteer Programs Office. I love animals and they are a passion for me to support the animal rescue organizations. I have adopted recently a wonderful Border Collie who was rescued from a horrible hoarding situation in Mississippi. She, my previous dogs, and my wife (not in that order necessarily) are the guiding lights of my life!


Image Credit: Springfield College Archives