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Distinguished Professor of Humanics:
Richard D. Dávila 2006-2007

Richard D. Dávila 2006-2007

Title of Humanics Lecture
The Multicultural, Multiethnic, and International Aspects of the Humanics Philosophy

Earned Degrees
Doctor of Philosophy in Special Education, University of Connecticut (1992)
Master of Social Work, University of Connecticut (1978)
Bachelor of Arts in Family Counseling, Beacon College (1975)

Final Title at Springfield College
Professor of Human Services

Short statement that describes what it means to be a Distinguished Professor of Humanics:
First, I was shocked and honored when I received the call that I was picked to be the Distinguished Professor of Humanics (DPH) for 2006/2007. I was the first faculty member from the School of Human Services to have this appointment. The Humans Philosophy (HP) is such a spiritual approach to humanity, that to be asked to be the DPH and develop a project in this spirit filled philosophy brought to the fringe of tears. As I worked on this year long project I kept feeling this spiritual connectedness to the beginnings of the HP at the college in the last part of the 1800's and early 1900's. My journey through the archives, my travel to the colleges distant campuses and facilitating discussions on the Humanics Philosophy with SC alumni as far back as the 1950's and alumni and current students in the School of Human Services was a magical process. Hearing the lived experiences of this diverse group of students, old and new, young and old, male and female rooted in the HP was so gratifying. This all helped instill in me the spirit-mind-body of the HP and helped clarify to me the power of it. Prior to being the DPH I had no idea of the depth, wisdom and spirit of the HP. I know it now.

Short statement that describes how you continued to live the Humanics mission after your year as Distinguished Professor of Humanics:
I carry the principles of the Humanics Philosophy with me in all of my activities from home, in the community and to the workplace. I see all people I interact with in a macro perspective (spirit, mind, body and humane) as opposed to only a micro perspective, I am kind to myself and others. I am long retired from the college, however I continue to conduct and facilitate trainings in the addiction field. In all of my training's I present a segment on the human philosophy at Springfield College.