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Distinguished Professor of Humanics:
Robert Accorsi 2009-2010

Robert Accorsi 2009-2010

Robert Accorsi 2009-2010

Title of Humanics Lecture
Humanics, Hope and Grit: Powerful Catalysts for the Paralympic Movement.

Earned Degrees
B.S., Westfield State College, 1977
M.Ed., Springfield College, 1980

Final Title at Springfield College
Professor Emeritus, Associate Professor

Short statement that describes what it means to be a Distinguished Professor of Humanics:

To be selected for this prestigious honor, means that your colleagues have noticed that you live the entire Humanics philosophy through your actions and commitment to champion causes that matter to you. Therefore it requires one to advocate tirelessly to advance your cause. Advocacy also entails educating and enlightening those you wish to influence and/or persuade. Additionally, this award provides you a platform to influence change and/or raise awareness relative to your cause both on campus and in the community. Finally being a Distinguished Professor of Humanics is a lifetime appointment which enables you to continue your commitment to the college by role modeling the behavior required to live the Humanics Philosophy. Hopefully your actions and words might influence students, colleagues and community members to more fully understand the depth of the Humanics Philosophy and possibly inspire them to move to action.

Short statement that describes how you continued to live the Humanics mission after your year as Distinguished Professor of Humanics:

I continue to advocate for those who can't advocate for themselves, try to inspire others to get involved with issues that matter to them, and make every attempt to live the Triangle as best I can.


Image Credit: Springfield College Directory