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Distinguished Professor of Humanics:
Naomi Graves 2011-2012

Naomi Graves 2011-2012

Title of Humanics Lecture
They Call Me "Coach"-The Role of the Teacher-Coach in the Stewardship of Humanics

Learn more about Professor Graves and her career as a Distinguished Professor of Humanics by listening to the "History of Humanics" podcast, which can be found here.

Earned Degrees
Master of Education, Springfield College (1985)
Bachelor of Science, University of Rhode Island (1982)

Current Title at Springfield College
Associate Professor/Head of Women's Basketball

Short statement that describes what it means to be a Distinguished Professor of Humanics:
I was so honored and humbled to be selected at a Humanics Professor. I couldn't believe that the campus community of Springfield College felt I was worthy of this honor. I am still in awe of being a member of the "Distinguished Professors of Humanics" group and I look forward to continuing our work in living out the Humanics philosophy with my fellow colleagues.

Short statement that describes how you continued to live the Humanics mission after your year as Distinguished Professor of Humanics:
I hope that I am continuing to live out the Humanics philosophy in my role as a teacher-coach. I believe that on a daily basis teachers, coaches, staff, administrators need to continue to live out our mission in all that we do. As a Teacher-Coach at Springfield College I hope that I am a good steward of Humanics to my athletes and students in class. I feel very strongly that we pass the Humanics philosophy on to individuals we work or come in contact with and as a teacher- coach. I know that many of my athletes will continue to pass on the Humanics philosophy after they graduate because of what they have experienced. So my answer to the question, is that I do special activities with my team and events on campus that are consider Humanics related, but more importantly I feel I try to live the mission on a daily basis and in my opinion that is more impactful to the world.


Image credit: Springfield College Archives