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Distinguished Professor of Humanics:
Charles Silvia 1977-1978

Charles Silvia 1977 - 1978

Title of Humanics Lecture
Humanics and Athletics and Other Concerns

Earned Degrees
Master of Physical Education, Springfield College (1940)
Bachelor of Science, Springfield College (1934)

Final Title at Springfield College
Professor of Physical Education


Professor Silvia (commonly referred to by students and faculty alike as “Red”) coached Springfield College swimming from 1937 until his retirement. He was well loved by several generations of his varsity swimmers including Bill Yorzyk who competed in the 1956 Olympics in Melbourne. He designed the current Natatorium with Art Linkletter and the two of them swam a lap at the dedication ceremony in 1967. Mr. Linkletter “won”. Mr. Silvia opened the Pine Knoll Swimming School in 1958 which still exists in East Longmeadow and in 1976 was selected to the International Swimming Hall of Fame. An author of many books on swimming, he wrote the seminal manual on Lifesaving and water safety as a member of the YMCA Aquatics Committee. Considered the Dean of American College Swimming Coaches by many, Red Silvia died in 1998.


Image Credit: Springfield College Archives