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Distinguished Professor of Humanics:
Judy Van Raalte 2019-2020

Judy Van Raalte 2019-2020

Title of Humanics Lecture
Humanics: Give it a 'Tri'

Learn more about Dr. Van Raalte and her career as a Distinguished Professor of Humanics by listening to the "History of Humanics" podcast, which can be found here.

Earned Degrees
B.S., Tufts University, 1986
M.A., Arizona State University, 1988
Ph.D., Arizona State University, 1990

Final Title at Springfield College
Professor of Psychology 

Short statement that describes what it means to be a Distinguished Professor of Humanics:

Dr. Seth Arsenian, the first Distinguished Springfield Professor of Humanics (and also a teacher of Psychology), described the Humanics philosophy as being grounded in Greek philosophy, the scientific method, and service motivation (taking action to repair the world). Accepting the invitation to serve as a Distinguished Professor of Humanics provided an opportunity to bring attention to the value of educating the whole person in spirit, mind, and body for leadership in service to others. I appreciated the honor of being selected for this role. I also felt a burden and responsibility to involve students, faculty, staff, alumni, community members, and other experts in Humanics and to create a project that was intimately connected to Springfield College, that was engaging and fun while also honoring our philosophical foundation, basketball connection, and service focus.

Short statement that describes how you continued to live the Humanics mission after your year as Distinguished Professor of Humanics:

In the years immediately following my year as Distinguished Professor of Humanics, the world was ensconced in the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) pandemic. Students left campuses, sporting events were cancelled, and people wore masks to help “flatten the curve” and reduce the spikes in sick and hospitalized patients. This was a time when actions related to supporting others were greatly needed and took new forms. Some in-person activities related to living the Humanics mission were unavailable, while new opportunities presented themselves in online formats and via creative reimagining of Humanics. Now that the global pandemic is receding, it is my hope that our vision of how it is possible to live the Humanics mission has grown and will continue to expand in the years ahead.


Image credit: Springfield College Directory