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Distinguished Professor of Humanics:
Josephine Cecco 1980

Josephine Cecco 1980

Title of Humanics Lecture
The Humanics Philosophy: A Legacy

Earned Degrees
Doctor of Education, Boston University (1966)
Master of Arts, Columbia University Teachers College (1939)
Bachelor of Science, Worcester State College (1935)

Final Title at Springfield College
Professor of Education


In 1965 Josephine Cecco became the first woman appointed as Assistant Professor at Springfield College. She was also the first woman to hold the position of Distinguished Professor of Humanics. Dr. Cecco taught methods of English, Reading, Children’s Literature and a course on development of the curriculum. She was a member of the Pu Lambda Theta Honor Society and work for the Girl Scouts, the Parents Teachers Association, and the Massachusetts Extension Service. Students remember her returning to campus in the late evenings for office hours because it was most convenient for them as well as her willingness to carry a full schedule of student teacher supervision to various sites in and out of Greater Springfield for fifteen years using only public transportation because she did not drive a car. Dr. Cecco died in 2001.