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Distinguished Professor of Humanics:
James Genasci 1993-1994

James Genasci 1993-1994

Title of Humanics Lecture
A Multimedia Presentation

Earned Degrees
Doctor of Education, Colorado State College (1960)
Master of Science, Springfield College (1955)
Bachelor of Science, Springfield College (1950)

Final Title at Springfield College
Professor of Physical Education


Dr. Genasci began teaching at Springfield College in 1963 as a professor of physical education. During his tenure at Springfield College, he served as President of the Faculty Senate, Distinguished Professor of Humanics, and as a guest Professor (Beijing and Wuhan Institutes of PE). As part of his professional career, Dr. Genasci prepared research reports for several professional societies, including the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (AAHPER), the Philosophical Society for the Study of Sport (PSSS), and the North American Society for the Study of Sport History (NASSSH). Dr. Genasci passed away in 2023.


Image Credit: Springfield College Archives