Finding Aid | Digital images and documents
This collection focuses on the professional career of Charles Ward Crampton (1877-1964). Crampton was a physician, medical researcher, and teacher during the early 20th century. His major contributions to the medical field include work with geriatrics and gerontology, adolescent hygiene and physical fitness, posture, and blood pressure and circulatory systems. Crampton also contributed to the Boy Scouts of America as a column writer for Boys’ Life magazine. Crampton served as chairman for many committees within the medical community and even founded an association himself. He became a strong advocate for preventative medicine and the maintenance of a personal medical record by individuals. The breadth of this collection encompasses his publications within the field in many of the different subject areas listed above. One can encounter hand written notes and papers, typed and printed manuscripts, correspondence, memorabilia through newspaper clippings describing his accomplishments, and photographs for his own research purposes. Highlights of this collection feature original photographs of Lou Gehrig used for a Boys’ Life article as well as evidence of Crampton’s involvement with the Byrd Antarctic Expeditions of 1928.