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Springfield College Digital Collections: The Triangle & Physical Education Magazines

Triangle & Physical Education Magazines

The Triangle and Physical Education journal was first published as The Triangle by Dr. Luther Gulick and the students in the Physical Department of the International YMCA Training School, now Springfield College. By June 1891, the monthly journal was published by The Triangle Publishing Company, located at ‘Corner State and Sherman Streets,’ for 10 months each year, subscription price at $1.00 per year or 15 cents per copy.

The game of Basketball was introduced in the January 15, 1892 edition in a four-page article written by Dr. James Naismith and included the original 13 rules. Contributing authors included H. Kallenberg, R. Tait McKenzie, Amos Alonzo Stagg, F. Hitchcock, Amy Morriss Homans, Dudley Sargent, and William Anderson, among many. The journal had editorials, book reviews, and articles about baseball, football, gymnastics, volleyball, exercise, ethics of sport, physical training for those with disabilities, and physical education for women.

By March 1892, the name of the journal was changed from the Triangle to Physical Education. The last issue was published in July 1896. The entire run is displayed here.