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Welcome to the Library!: What's at the library?

What's at the library?


What’s available at the library? When you use Quick or Advanced Search on the Library Services homepage, you’re only searching a portion of the material available to you. This info-graphic shows the relationship between databases, the library catalog, and how to search for information. Since the search bar doesn’t look at all resources it’s also important to check out individual subject databases. Quick and Advanced Search Results includes: General Databases: General databases (like Academic Search Complete) include a mix of journal and magazine articles on a variety of topics. Subject Databases: Subject-specific databases (like Business Source Complete or PsycINFO) can contain a variety of formats including articles, videos, eBooks, reports, data sets, and more. Google Scholar: Google Scholar provides, scholarly, peer-reviewed articles. Make sure to start your search from the library’s page to get full access. eBooks and Streaming Videos: Some databases contain only eBooks or videos. All of these databases are included when using Quick and Advanced Search. Books and DVDs: This is the physical material available at the Learning Commons

What's in Quick Search?