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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get to the Library Services website?

Our website is

What is a research guide?

Research guides are online resources created by librarians. Some research guides are topic specific in order to help users identify the most useful sources in a given area or class. The library has research guides for each major as well as general guides, like this one, to help you get started. If you're feeling overwhelmed with the number of resources available to you, research guides are a great place to start because librarians have already figured out some of the most useful places to look.

What can Library Services help me with?

Library Services, housed in the Learning Commons, is a valuable resource during your time on campus. Librarians can help you with a variety of tasks including narrowing your research topic and defining a question, advanced searching and keyword development, information literacy, and much more! Each department has its own library liaison, who works with that department's faculty and students to help with research and resources.

Campus Resources

Academic Success Center

The Academic Success Center offers readily and easily accessible services including support in writing, mathematics, science, subject area tutoring, learning strategies and time management counseling, and assistance for students with documented disabilities.

All of the services provided by the Academic Success Center are free and available to all Springfield College students.

Academic Advising

The Academic Advising Center, located in Room 108 of the Administration Building, provides support to undergraduate students including:

  • Serving as assigned advisors to students in the Exploratory Studies major (first-years and second-years) and General Studies major (juniors, seniors, and transfers)

  • Transfer credit evaluations for incoming students and transfer credit pre-approvals for continuing students—including approvals for study abroad courses

  • Producing curriculum sequencing guides, and assisting with processing substitutions and waivers

  • Coordinating advising and registration components of Summer and New Student Orientations

  • Walk-in/call-in advising services, including students who are changing majors or in academic jeopardy, and faculty and students with questions about general education requirements, degree audits, academic policies, etc.

  • Assisting with preparing faculty and students for course advising and registration periods

  • First-year student outreach and support