The following databases and collections of e-journals contain citations, abstracts, and/or the full text of articles related to organizational leadership. Those labeled "Springfield College databases" can be accessed remotely by current Springfield College students. Login by using your Springfield College email username and password. A full listing of databases is available on the Library’s Full Database List. For help logging in or using the databases please contact us at (413) 748-3315 or via e-mail web form at Ask the Library!
Covers over 8,000 journals from all fields of study. It includes a mix of magazine and journal articles.
A very large general academic database covering a broad range of topics. It includes a mix of magazine and journal articles. Many items are full text.
Includes journal articles from all aspects of business plus research reports, industry reports, company profiles, and SWOT analyses.
Information on psychology and related disciplines, including journal articles and book chapters.
Gale OneFile Leadership and Management contains authoritative periodical content covering topics like organizational dynamics, adult learning, and more.
An excellent source of information on sociology and the social sciences, including full text for journals and information on books, dissertations, etc.