What's on this page?
This page contains two boxes of information, each with a different purpose. The first box is the Journal Search and the second box includes a list of databases. Keep reading to learn more!
Journal Search
If you know the name of a particular periodical, such as a journal, newspaper, or magazine, that you want to look at, search for it's title in the Journal Search. For example, if you want to see the most recent edition of the Boston Globe, you would type "Boston Globe" into Journal Search search bar and click Search. This will take you to the Boston Globe.
If you have a topic you want to research, you'll want to chose a database from the second box. The databases listed in the "Databases" box has been selected by your liaison librarian because they are likely to contain information relevant to topics most frequently selected by Human Services students. Remember to read the description of each database in the list. This will help you determine if it is a good fit for your research topic.
You can view a full list of the databases available through Library Services here.
Covers over 8,000 journals from all fields of study. It includes a mix of magazine and journal articles.
A very large general academic database covering a broad range of topics. It includes a mix of magazine and journal articles. Many items are full text.
Includes journal articles from all aspects of business plus research reports, industry reports, company profiles, and SWOT analyses.
Information on psychology and related disciplines, including journal articles and book chapters.
An excellent source of information on sociology and the social sciences, including full text for journals and information on books, dissertations, etc.