The following databases are reference sources. They contain factual background information and are a good place to begin your search. You may find the following types of information within them:
- Definitions
- Incidence rates
- Protocols & Procedures
- Facts
Up-to-date reference material as well as full-text magazines, journals, and pamphlets from a wide variety of authoritative medical sources.
UpToDate is an evidence-based clinical decision support and informational tool, widely used in hospitals and clinical settings all over the world. Account registration is required to use this resource. Register for an UpToDate account here using your Springfield College email address. You will be required to re-register periodically to maintain your access.
Covers topics such as nursing, nutrition, family health, and alternative medicine. Great source for consumer information for the general public.
The following databases offer collections of high-quality medical research articles.
One of the best sources for scholarly medical information on a huge range of topics. Articles are generally geared toward medical professionals and students.
Includes topics such as nursing, consumer health, and alternative medicine. Includes both scholarly and consumer articles.
With a strong emphasis on full text titles cited in CINAHL and over 10 million articles, this collection's current and authoritative content will help nursing professionals already working in the field.
These databases have a secondary relevance to the Health Sciences. If your topic borders on another discipline, you might want to give one of these a shot.
For a Psychology perspective on your topic, try searching in PsycINFO.
For an Evironmental Health perspective, try searching GreenFile.
For an Education Studies perspective, take a look at ERIC.
Information on psychology and related disciplines, including journal articles and book chapters.
Includes scholarly, government, and general interest resources that focus on the environmental impact of human beings, corporations, and governments. Topics include global warming, sustainable agriculture, recycling, and more.
Covers journal and report literature in disciplines related to education.