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Finding Books and Videos

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Google Books

Google Books will provide you with partial access to many books published in the last few decades and full access to certain titles that are in the public domain. 

It's a good way to get a sense if the book(s) you are interested in are actually useful.

Google Books search

If you do find something in Google Books that you like and want to see the actual book, you can always order it through Interlibrary Loan.

Search Discovery

Springfield College library has an extensive collection of print and digital books as well as videos (DVD and electronic) on this and related subjects.

You can search for physical books, e-books, and videos by using Discovery, the library's online catalog. Need a little help using Discovery? No problem. Please call or visit the library or Ask the Library!

E-books, digital films, and journals are available to all patrons visiting the library. Off-campus access is restricted to Springfield College students, faculty, and staff.

Other Counseling and Psychology Resources

Here are links to a selection of Psychology e-books and general reference resources:

American Psychological Association Home Page
A comprehensive directory to the APA's numerous programs and sources of information. Includes descriptions of the association's books and other publications as well as information from the APA Monitor on employment, fellowships, and research grants.

American Society for Training and Development
Useful information for industrial/organizational psychology researchers and professionals.

Classics in the History of Psychology
Full-text versions of classical works related to psychology, from ancient times through the modern era.

National Institute of Mental Health Home Page
Includes a great deal of information about this governmental agency itself as well as information on mental health research, grants, employment, and plans for future studies in the field of mental health.

Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Sect. 14 of the American Psychological Association)
Includes such information as: conference details, graduate training programs, research reports, and grants.

Society for Human Resource Management
Includes a wealth of information on Human Resource management, as well as many links to related sites.Style Guide