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Open Educational Resources (OER):
Create OER

Creating OER

Creating an OER is similar to authoring any other document, except that you are assigning that content an open license which usually allows for its free use and re-purposing by others. 

Things to consider:

  • What license will you assign to your OER? Using a Creative Commons License will provide you with the legal framework to share your OER.
  • How will you make your OER accessible to all students? We recommend using the OpenBC's Accessibility Toolkit to address accessibility issues.
  • Where will you create and host your OER? There are sites available from which you can directly upload and share your materials, and there are educational repositories designed specifically to assist with the creation and hosting of OER.
  • How will you share your OER? Once you've created your OER, you may want to share it across many directories and repositories for maximum visibility. Consider sharing your OER via MERLOT, OER Commons, or Open Textbooks.

Visit the "Resources for Building, Hosting, and Sharing OER" section below for even more recommendations.

Modifying OER

Modifying an existing OER is a a simpler way of adopting content to suit your needs than creating a new OER. Before modifying an OER, check that the Creative Commons license does not contain a "no derivatives" clause. If it does, you do not have permission to modify the work. Search for formats that are conducive to modification, such as .docx and .rtf. Once you've downloaded and modified the OER, you can upload it to many of the sites listed in the "Sites for Creating and Hosting OER" section.

AI in OER Creation/Adaptation

As generative large-language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT,, Google Gemini, and Microsoft Copilot have come into wider use, there are opportunities to use this emerging tool as part of the OER creation/adaptation process. The following materials can be used as you consider using an AI tool to assist in OER work.

Resources for Building, Hosting, and Sharing OER

Building OER

Hosting & Sharing OER

In-Depth Guides