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For Faculty

Link or Embed this guide!

Would you like to link to this guide?  No problem.  Paste this URL into your Brightspace classroom, blog, web page, etc.:

Prefer to embed this guide into Brightspace? Copy the following code and paste it into a Label or Page:

Get Your Own Guide!

Would you like a guide for your class?

I can create a guide that is specifically designed for your course(s) that includes only the resources that your students need.  You tell me what you'd like to include and I'll build it - usually in just a few days

Getting started is easy.  Just email with:

  • the course name
  • a description of the class assignments
  • some ideas about what you'd like to include in the guide 

That's it!  Help your students help themselves. 

Information Literacy

Information literacy is a critical part of the General Education requirement here at Springfield College. 

Need help incorporating it into your class?  That's why I'm here.  Select one of the resources below: 

... or feel free to contact me.