is the official source for federal legislative information. Use it to find the status of legislation, texts of bills and laws, bill sponsors, all actions taken by Congress and more.
The codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register. The Code is divided into 50 sections each dealing with a different section of the law (Examples: Aliens and Nationality, Public Health). Browse the titles or click on "Simple Search" to search.
This is a searchable version of the Federal Register, the Federal Government's daily official publication of Rules, Proposed Rules, Notices of Federal Agencies, Executive Orders and other Presidential Documents.
FindLaw has a searchable database of Supreme Court Opinions back to 1760. You may browse the collection by year or search by party name, case title, citation, docket number or full text.
A useful starting place for Supreme Court Opinions, this site highlights the most recent decisions and has an archives of opinions back to 1990. The archives is searchable by topic, author and party.
A near-comprehensive multimedia archive of the U.S. Supreme Court. Has audio of court sessions going back to 1955. Also includes biographical information on all justices.
This site is designed for citizen participation. It provides an easy way to find out what regulations the federal government is currently proposing and gives people an easy way to comment on the proposed regulations.
The U.S. Code of federal laws. You can search for a particular title and section, browse/read each of the fifty titles or individually search any one of them. There is also a Table of Popular Names listing the commonly known names of legislative acts.