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20th Annual Undergraduate Scholars in Action Days

Multimedia Presentations

Abstract Title Presenters Name(s)
Lava Light Noel Bollenbach
Geometric Sound Lili Clement
Kinetic Type Exploration Bridgette Hogan
Kinetic Geometry and Biomorphic Elegence Christopher Sanabria
"Start of Something New" & "Sound Dash" Matthew Browne


Lava Light

Lava Light 

Subject: Expressive/Arts (Digital Web and Multimedia Design)
Presenters: Noel Bollenbach
Faculty Sponsor:  Meghan Gaul

This piece is an animation called Lava Light, which I made for Advanced Studio in Design this semester. I made this animation using Adobe After Effects with the goal in mind to create an abstract glowing lava lamp-like orb. This semester, my work in Advanced Studio and Design has focused on capturing the ever-changing beauty of light in design through movements, color, mood, and composition. It is ever-changing, and every moment is different from the last. This has always captivated me.

My hope with this project was to explore different effects, settings, and plug-ins for Adobe After Effects to create the desired effects of smooth, shifting hues. My process involves experimenting with varying combinations of color and layering gradients to create a dynamic and visually striking composition. I used eight different hues in the orb animation and tried to keep them all consistently moving as a lava lamp would. I also aimed to make it as seamless of a loop as possible so the viewer could interpret their own beginning and end. While abstract pieces typically portray the artist's feelings and ideas through shape, color, and texture, I did not wish to express a specific emotion with this piece. Instead, I aimed to try to leave the viewer feeling reflective and at peace.

Geometric Sound

Geometric Sound

Subject: Expressive/Arts (VAPA)
Presenters: Lili Clement
Faculty Sponsor:  Meghan Gaul

This presentation displays the Geometric Sound project I did for my motion graphics class. In the project, we worked with abstract shapes and geometric forms to create an animation that expressed a clip of sound. Some of our guidelines for the assignment included a time requirement of at least 30 seconds long; we were to show three different scenes and have an end scene. During the process, we had to figure out what movements and transitions best conveyed the tone of our audio. We incorporated rhythm and pacing of the shapes to help our piece. We had the option of including color in our piece, but as an artistic decision, I chose to keep my project strictly with black and white hues to dramatize the animation. In the project, the audience can see multiple scene changes that show the variations of geometric forms in the animation. I used a combination of rectangles and circles for the majority of my piece. I enjoyed working on this particular audio because of the sudden shifts in tones and the amalgamation of creating a cohesive artistic piece through digital software. This project has taught me the importance of patience and timing and challenged my creative thought process.

Kinetic Type Exploration

Kinetic Type Exploration

Subject: Expressive/Arts (VAPA)
Presenters: Bridgette Hogan
Faculty Sponsor:  Meghan Gaul

This motion graphics project, created using Adobe After Effects, brings to life the infectious power of SpongeBob SquarePants' "Campfire Song Song." Through research into the visual language of the cartoon series and my usage of typography, hierarchy, pacing, and rhythm, I developed this animation resulting in a playful form of visual communication. Each lyric is matched to music, in order to capture SpongeBob’s carefree spirit and Patricks' confusion.

Kinetic Geometry and Biomorphic Elegence

Kinetic Geometry and Biomorphic Elegence

Subject: Expressive/Arts (VAPA)
Presenters: Christopher Sanabria
Faculty Sponsor:  Harold Indelicto

“Biomorphic Elegance” and "Kinetic Geometry" are a collection of sculptured animations that combine organic and geometric forms. Each piece represents a unique visual example of the fusion between nature and mathematics. I have crafted the form to showcase the fluidity of organic contours, integrating the geometric shape of the torus. Through molding, contorting, and scaling the shapes, I have invented new organic forms. By utilizing both digital fabrication techniques and sculptural manipulation, my work integrates a reflective texture that captures and distorts the surrounding light through the contorted form.

"Start of Something New" & "Sound Dash"

"Start of Something New" & "Sound Dash"

Subject: Expressive/Arts (VAPA)
Presenters: Matthew Browne
Faculty Sponsor:  Megan Gaul